your reading



Tiana does a Tarot card spread specifically focused on the question or topic you have requested.  She usually uses a spread of 22 Tarot cards, each of which will relate to an aspect of her clients life, environment & emotions  around the topic or subject being queried.   Her readings & Tarot card spreads are always unique to each of her clients, there is no 'one-size fits all' in the way Tiana reads.


Tiana uses a combination of experience & state of the art technology to create & interpret each unique Natal Chart she creates. 

Your personalised Natal Chart is created using: 

  • Your Time of Birth
  • Your Date of Birth
  • Your Place of Birth

If you don't know your exact Time of Birth, we can still go ahead, using what we call a  'Noon' time chart, results will be great either way. 

If you have your Astrology Chart already, feel free to supply Tiana with your Sun, Moon & Ascendant (or Rising) Signs.


So why both Tarot & Astrology you ask?

When you contact Tiana, you are in the present, asking for clarity &/or understanding around a topic or question with which you are grappling now.  Tarot cards will give Tiana information on your question or topic as it stands now, which is exactly what Tarot is meant to do. 

When Tiana creates your Astrological Natal Chart, she is able to see more of your personality. How you may react & respond, how you may express yourself, what may be important to you & what might push your buttons.

We are all unique.  We respond, act, don't act, feel & express ourselves in our own particular ways.  With information from your Natal Chart, Tiana is able to provide you with an interpretation of your Tarot Card spread which is very well rounded and even more tailored to you.

 Tiana's readings are focused & customised for each individual client she reads for & it works ... it works beautifully.